Has a song ever moved you so much that it changed or challenged your faith or lifestyle?

​I saw this quote from St. Ephrem.


I really liked it so I wanted to know more about him. 

St. Ephrem was born in Mesopotamia in the 4th Century.  He was a teacher and a deacon and wrote hymns to counteract the heresies of the times.


I looked at one of my favorite sites for Saint facts: learn more about St. Ephrem: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3 . Here are some excerpts from the article on St. Ephrem. 

“Ephrem (or Eprhaim) the Syrian left us hundreds of hymns and poems on the faith that inflamed and inspired the whole Church, but few facts about his own inspiring life.

According to tradition, Ephrem began to write hymns in order to counteract the heresies that were rampant at that time. For those who think of hymns simply as the song at the end of Mass that keeps us from leaving the church early, it may come as a surprise that Ephrem and others recognized and developed the power of music to get their points across. Tradition tells us that Ephrem heard the heretical ideas put into song first and in order to counteract them made up his own hymns.

The originality, imagery, and skill of his hymns captured the hearts of the Christians so well, that Ephrem is given credit for awakening the Church to the important of music and poetry in spreading and fortifying the faith.

In His Footsteps:

Has a song ever moved you so much that it changed or challenged your faith or lifestyle -- for good or bad? How do you feel about the music you sing during liturgy? Put your whole heart and soul into the hymns you sing next. Listen to the words and let them speak to you.


Saint Ephrem, sometimes we treat the power of song lightly. Help us to open our hearts and souls to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit given us through music.  Amen


Divine Mercy Novena, Day 2

This is the second day of the Novena.  EWTN  is another site you can go to for your daily readings.


Second Day

"Today bring to Me the Souls of Priests and Religious,

and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind."

Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard -- upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.

* In the original text, Saint Faustina uses the pronoun "us" since she was offering this prayer as a consecrated religious sister. The wording adapted here is intended to make the prayer suitable for universal use.


Did the apostles know that this day was different?

I have enjoyed The Best Lent Ever with Matthew Kelly on Dynamic Catholic.

Matthew has us ponder what the apostles knew and how they felt on this Holy Thursday.   And challenges us how will  we approach the day as we enter into this most sacred time of the year.

Let Jesus shake you up today and change you this Easter! 






Maunday Thursday, The Great Commandment

The Triduum begins today, the 3 most holy days of the year.  So much happens today that is at the center of our faith.  Jesus gives the great commandment to love one another and then he shows us how we do this, by serving others.  He washes the disciplines feet then he breaks bread with them giving them the meaning of the Eucharist.  

What starts as Jesus being with his closest friends in the upper room ends with him alone in the garden.  This day, when we process with Jesus and sit with him in adoration, always touches me very deeply.  We are entering into the passion of our Lord.

Will you be not spend an hour with Him tonight?   

Tomorrow the tabernacle will be empty. 


Patron Saint of Handguns? St. Gabriel Possenti


 Saint Gabriel Possenti’s feast day is February 27. He is the patron of hanguns because his marksmanship enabled him to rescue a woman about to be raped by a marauding gang of thugs at Isola del Gran Sasso, Italy in 1860.

Here’s the story:

After freeing a young woman from would-be rapists, St. Gabriel Possenti confronted the onrushing brigands waving revolvers. At that moment, Possenti fired at a lizard that happened to be running across the road and dispatched it with one shot. Thus …

After freeing a young woman from would-be rapists, St. Gabriel Possenti confronted the onrushing brigands waving revolvers. At that moment, Possenti fired at a lizard that happened to be running across the road and dispatched it with one shot. Thus having demonstrated his excellent handgun marksmanship, he was able to take command of the situation and ran the now-frightened brigands out of town.

St. Gabriel Possenti performed this feat of courage without causing physical harm to a single human being.

Francesco Possenti had been the fanciest dresser in town as well as the best dancer. He was a superb horseman and an excellent marksman. Engaged to two girls at the same time and a great partygoer, he had shocked his family by announcing after his graduation that he was going to become a Passionist monk. No one believed him and expected him back within a few weeks. 

He had become very sick during his school years and had promised that if he got better, he would dedicate his life to God. St. Gabriel Possenti got better and forgot about it. He got sick again and made the same promise, but again got well and forgo…

He had become very sick during his school years and had promised that if he got better, he would dedicate his life to God. St. Gabriel Possenti got better and forgot about it. He got sick again and made the same promise, but again got well and forgot his promise. Once, during a church procession in which a great banner of Our Lady, Help of Christians, was being carried, the eyes of Our Lady looked straight at him and he heard the words: "Keep your promise." Shaken, he remembered his promise, changed his life completely, and entered the Passionists.


After freeing a young woman from would-be rapists, St. Gabriel Possenti confronted the onrushing brigands waving revolvers. At that moment, Possenti fired at a lizard that happened to be running across the road and dispatched it with one shot. Thus having demonstrated his excellent handgun marksmanship, he was able to take command of the situation and ran the now-frightened brigands out of town.

St. Gabriel Possenti performed this feat of courage without causing physical harm to a single human being.

Francesco Possenti had been the fanciest dresser in town as well as the best dancer. He was a superb horseman and an excellent marksman. Engaged to two girls at the same time and a great partygoer, he had shocked his family by announcing after his graduation that he was going to become a Passionist monk. No one believed him and expected him back within a few weeks. 


He had become very sick during his school years and had promised that if he got better, he would dedicate his life to God. St. Gabriel Possenti got better and forgot about it. He got sick again and made the same promise, but again got well and forgot his promise. Once, during a church procession in which a great banner of Our Lady, Help of Christians, was being carried, the eyes of Our Lady looked straight at him and he heard the words: "Keep your promise." Shaken, he remembered his promise, changed his life completely, and entered the Passionists.


 "I will attempt day by day to break my will into pieces. I want to do God’s Holy Will, not my own."

— St. Gabriel Possenti


He hoped to be sent to the missions after his ordination to the priesthood, but at the young age of twenty-four, he died. Canonized in 1920, he is, along with St. Aloysius, one of the patrons of youth. He was very fond of his family and is particularly remembered as a remarkable young man who, at the age of twenty, threw all aside for God, determined to become a saint.

Thought for the Day: By his courage, St. Gabriel showed that holiness is in no way opposed to the best qualities of manhood. He showed courage in very dangerous circumstances, where he could have very well been killed. We may not have to face such dangers, but we do need that kind of courage to witness to our faith on a daily basis.


Saint Gabriel Possenti, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel Possenti, pray for us.

Mary, Model of Christian Faith and Authentic Feminism: A Response to "A Day Without Women"


Mary, with her yes, leads us on our faith pilgrimage.  Her strength comes from her humility and obedience to God.  From the beginning she was "the handmaid of the Lord".  As her first act she doesn't protest, she doesn't complain, she doesn't look for attention, but she trusts God and goes with haste to support her kinswoman, Elizabeth.  Elizabeth greets Mary "blessed are you among women".  Mary replies by pointing towards her son with her Magnificat.  


"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on his servant in her lowliness. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name: And his mercy is from age to age on those who fear him. He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud-hearted, he has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity for ever." (Lk. 1 :46-55)


 Saint, Pope John Paul II wrote a beautiful encyclical on Mary's role as our spiritual model.  The complete text is filled with examples of Mary's heart for Jesus and us as her spiritual children. https://www.ewtn.com/library/encyc/jp2mothe.htm

From the encyclical, this is the kind woman I aspire to become.

 "This Marian dimension of Christian life takes on special importance in relation to women and their status. In fact, femininity has a unique relationship with the Mother of the Redeemer, a subject which can be studied in greater depth elsewhere. Here I simply wish to note that the figure of Mary of Nazareth sheds light on womanhood as such by the-very fact that God, in the sublime event of the Incarnation of his Son, entrusted himself to the ministry, the free and active ministry of a woman. It can thus be said that women, by looking to Mary, find in her the secret of living their femininity with dignity and of achieving their own true advancement. In the light of Mary, the Church sees in the face of women the reflection of a beauty which mirrors the loftiest sentiments of which the human heart is capable: the self-offering totality of love; the strength that is capable of bearing the greatest sorrows; limitless fidelity and tireless devotion to work; the ability to combine penetrating intuition with words of support and encouragement."

The seven sorrows of Mary give us a model of courage and perseverance. 

The seven sorrows of Mary give us a model of courage and perseverance. 

When you compare Mary's model of femininity with the current women's movement protestors the differences are striking.  The women marching with vulgar signs and knitted pink hats claim to be working to support women but they have a distorted truth that is full of anger as they advance their true cause abortion and hate for anyone who does not agree with their agenda that us clearly not inclusive of all women's values.  Mary is obedient and humbly points towards her son, Jesus.  Mary has a quiet inner strength that she draws from her faith and trust in God.   As woman we need to choose carefully the models we desire for ourself and the young woman who are our future.


This is a vision of motherly love and strength. 

 "Loving Mother of the Redeemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again. To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator!"
